Online advice and 121 training
SWAT does so much more than dog agility. We are also able to offer help, advice and training for many aspects of living happily with your dog. From choosing the best dog for you and your family, and making the important introductions through to caring for the older dog.
SWAT Top Tips are available free to email subscribers and if you want more help there are two options available to you.
Option 1: The Standard Package offers a backup guide (PDF) to the subject for you to keep and gives you one month's access to an online video explaining the issues. Cost £10
Option 2: The Personalised Premium Package includes everything from the Standard Package plus online one-to-one personalised advice for the month. Cost £30
New subjects will be added every four to five weeks and if you have any particular requests please let us know.
An online version of our popular Life Skills: Reliable Recalls workshop is also offered.
Thinking of getting a Puppy?
Why do you want a dog?
What breed should you choose?
Have you considered a rescue or a crossbreed?
Is your lifestyle compatible with dog ownership?
Dogs are a huge financial commitment - can you afford it?
There are so many things you need to consider when thinking about getting a puppy.
Separation anxiety
Dogs of all ages can suffer from Separation Anxiety and it can become upsetting for owners as well as dogs.
It's always best to prevent a problem in the first place and using our guide with a new puppy will help. If your dog already has Separation Anxiety, be patient - curing a behaviour issue takes time and you may benefit for tailored advice to your particular circumstances.
taking it further
Once you've worked through the Top Tips, more help and advice is available.
To purchase either of these options email SWAT using the link and confirming the package you wish to purchase. Payment information will be sent by reply.
lockdown challenges
During the first 2020 Lockdown we continued with online training and created a series of Lockdown Challenges. The Challenges are not just for Lockdown; many are suitable for general training and bonding with your dog and they continue to be popular.
You can access the original videos here.
If you try any of these, do post your progress and efforts on our Facebook page - SWAT Dogs - chatter group.