We regularly run two workshops (details below) looking at essential skills training for any dog. These are either face-to-face or online.

Each face-to-face workshop is limited to a maximum number of dogs per trainer/session so that we have time to help everyone achieve their goals.

Workshops are not suitable for dogs with any aggression issues.

To be held at Coppice Gate Farm, Shapwick, TA7 9NT

Loose Lead walking

A two hour workshop that will introduce you and your dog to the concept of walking to heel on a loose lead - the days of aching arms and sore shoulders will become a distant memory!

We will do lots of practical exercises, with distractions to simulate the real world.

Numbers are limited to ensure everyone get lots of personal help. £30

Walk your dog on a loose lead
Walk your dog on a loose lead
Call your dog back to you
Call your dog back to you

next Online course to be announced

Reliable Recalls

Using lots of simple games and techniques we can help to improve your dog's recall.

This is an online course as recalls need to be worked on over time - consistency is key! This course offers you a month of support so that you can practise on your normal walks and locations.

For just £32 you will receive 4 videos (released every 5 days) and access to a private Facebook group where you can ask questions, share videos and get personalised help for a month.